MySQL - Replication
Hi all,
Mysql replication helps to replicate data from one mysql server (called "Master") to another server or servers (called "slave/slaves" which locates either same machine where Master locates or a remote machine).
This is useful in certain occations like when we have to keep a backup of a database while restricting read /write permission of one so that data is secure in that particular database and also when we have to reduce the load over one database so that we get the maximum efficiency. You can replicate all database or a particuler database/s or even a table. So here are the steps to do that.
N.B : If you want to replicate in one machine you have to install 2 mysql servers that is running in two ports.
I assume that you are aware of installing mysql.Here are the steps to setup replication in a one machine.
When you install and run mysql it will ues its default configuration file "my.cnf". So if you want to add extra features you have create your own "conf_name.cnf" file and locate it in /etc/. When you start mysql you have show that file as well otherwise it will take its default values.
1. Setup Master
I) Creating .cnf file
Go to /usr/local/mysql1/supportfiles/
copy my-medium.cnf to /etc/mymaster.cnf
II) Configuring
edit /etc/mymaster.cnf
add following lines
binlog-do-db=example_db (the database you wish to replicate)
socket = /tmp/mysql_sockname_1.sock
III) Enabling logs
log-bin-index = /var/log/mysql/master-log-bin.index
log-error = /var/log/mysql/master-error.log
IV) Set data directory
V) Start Mysql master
Go to /usr/local/your_mysql_master_directory/
Login with root
enter ./bin/mysqld_safe –defaults-file=/etc/mymaster.cnf –user=mysql &
Then mysql -uroot -p –port=3306 –socket=/tmp/mysql_sockname_1.sock
Now you have started mysql master
Setup slave
I) Creating .cnf file
Go to /usr/local/mysql1/supportfiles/
copy my-medium.cnf to /etc/myslavecnf
II) Configuring
edit /etc/myslave.cnf
add following lines
N.B Uncomment server id = 1
add server-id=2
port = 3308
socket = /tmp/mysql_sockname_2.sock
III) Enabling logs
log-bin-index = /var/log/mysql_slave/master-log-bin.index
log-error = /var/log/mysql_slave/master-error.log
IV) Start server
./bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my_voting.cnf --user=mysql &
mysql -uroot -p –port=3308 –socket=/tmp/mysql_sockname_2.sock
In master
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'some_name '@'%' IDENTIFIED By 'password';
show master status;
| File | Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| mysql-bin.006 | 183 | example_db |
| +---------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
1 row in set (0.00 sec) In slave
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='127.0.01, MASTER_USER='some_name ', MASTER_PASSWORD='password', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.006', MASTER_LOG_POS=183;
Mysql replication helps to replicate data from one mysql server (called "Master") to another server or servers (called "slave/slaves" which locates either same machine where Master locates or a remote machine).
This is useful in certain occations like when we have to keep a backup of a database while restricting read /write permission of one so that data is secure in that particular database and also when we have to reduce the load over one database so that we get the maximum efficiency. You can replicate all database or a particuler database/s or even a table. So here are the steps to do that.
N.B : If you want to replicate in one machine you have to install 2 mysql servers that is running in two ports.
I assume that you are aware of installing mysql.Here are the steps to setup replication in a one machine.
When you install and run mysql it will ues its default configuration file "my.cnf". So if you want to add extra features you have create your own "conf_name.cnf" file and locate it in /etc/. When you start mysql you have show that file as well otherwise it will take its default values.
1. Setup Master
I) Creating .cnf file
Go to /usr/local/mysql1/supportfiles/
copy my-medium.cnf to /etc/mymaster.cnf
II) Configuring
edit /etc/mymaster.cnf
add following lines
binlog-do-db=example_db (the database you wish to replicate)
socket = /tmp/mysql_sockname_1.sock
III) Enabling logs
log-bin-index = /var/log/mysql/master-log-bin.index
log-error = /var/log/mysql/master-error.log
IV) Set data directory
V) Start Mysql master
Go to /usr/local/your_mysql_master_directory/
Login with root
enter ./bin/mysqld_safe –defaults-file=/etc/mymaster.cnf –user=mysql &
Then mysql -uroot -p –port=3306 –socket=/tmp/mysql_sockname_1.sock
Now you have started mysql master
Setup slave
I) Creating .cnf file
Go to /usr/local/mysql1/supportfiles/
copy my-medium.cnf to /etc/myslavecnf
II) Configuring
edit /etc/myslave.cnf
add following lines
N.B Uncomment server id = 1
add server-id=2
port = 3308
socket = /tmp/mysql_sockname_2.sock
III) Enabling logs
log-bin-index = /var/log/mysql_slave/master-log-bin.index
log-error = /var/log/mysql_slave/master-error.log
IV) Start server
./bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my_voting.cnf --user=mysql &
mysql -uroot -p –port=3308 –socket=/tmp/mysql_sockname_2.sock
In master
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'some_name '@'%' IDENTIFIED By 'password';
show master status;
| File | Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| mysql-bin.006 | 183 | example_db |
| +---------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
1 row in set (0.00 sec) In slave
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='127.0.01, MASTER_USER='some_name ', MASTER_PASSWORD='password', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.006', MASTER_LOG_POS=183;